Spontaneously Me!!!
I walked into a Barber shop on Saturday afternoon, feeling boldly and confident about myself. I was ready for a new look.
So I decided to cut off my Mohawk I had for two and a half years with no fear or regret. I was not afraid about my new appearance or what people have to say about it.
I took the risk and I feel great.
I don’t need my hair to feel beautiful.
I just need to believe in myself that I am beautiful and Prissy is a valuable gift to the world
I feel confident
I feel liberated.
I feel awesome
I feel vibrant
I feel like a new being.
I feel like taking more risk
This is the new me, boldly and without fear!
I am delightful to say, I’m currently fulfilling one of the things I wrote down on “MY Possession” for 2011; to read more and write more like how I use to. I’m presently reading “The Confident Woman” by Joyce Meyer and “Sisters and Lovers” by Connie Briscoe.
And ...I LOVE IT!!!

Therefore, I speak with the authority of God that there will be no “glass ceiling” in my world.
Women have come a long way in terms of equality and attaining a respectable place in society. We have the chance to go places where we never had the chance to go before.
So why are we not taking the risk to achieve the opportunities that are available for us?
Many individuals are afraid to take risk because they feel like they do not have the potential to do so.
I have the King in me! Believe... You have the king in you too!
Let’s all take the risk to get on a higher Plainfield.
Life is all about taking risk and learning from our mistakes.
I have vowed to myself to take more risk and walk into doors I’ve never walked in before.
And if I fall, I shall get up and try again until I make it.
I will hold my head high and confidently say, I am a precious gift from God
**Express and Reflect on your World**
Prissy Carter