I had a very easy pregnancy. I suffered no symptoms except for swollen feet. After taking my maternity leave a week before my due date (may 9th), I was 10 days over due.
I was induced for 12hrs and nothing happened, at 12:08am I was taking into the operation room for emergency c-section. With tears dropping down my eyes , prayers being prayed heavily, feeling every pull and every tuck, at 1;05am on May 20th 2012, I heard my baby boy cry and the doctor said "he's perfect". We were told that he had a cord around his neck....Oghenenyoro- God answers prayers.
Today, may 20th, 2013 marks a special day for my son, Daniel Ikpen 1st birthday. The blessings, favors and joy this miracle has poured into my life is unexplainable. I am forever grateful. Happy Birthday Daniel!!!! You are truly an angel sent from above, to help me grow, and understand my purpose in life.
I can’t believe a year is here already. Although people always warned me that the time flies very fast, It only seems like yesterday when you were born. Thank you for granting me a better and meaningful life. It’s amazing just how much you’ve grown and how strong you've become. Always flighting for your right.. lol .. You are a true Daniel!
I pray that your light will keep shining brighter and brighter everyday. Even in dark places, you shall become the light for people to see and follow. May you grow to influence your surroundings and beyond and may God grant you devine abilities, wisdom and knowledge to lead you to your ordained destiny. You shall be the head and not the tail; you shall be above and not beneath; for you are a true Daniel ! I pray for devine protection for the rest of your life and devine direction from God.
You are the best thing that ever happened to me...You are my heart beat, my pride, my joy. Daniel you are truly are an angel sent from up above.
Have a Happy 1st Birthday, with lots and lots of love from me, daddy, grandparents, uncles and aunties. We love you.
Your Mother.