“I have learned that not everything you want in life is necessary good for you. Some people you meet in life entail evil spirit that contributes to your failures in life. It’s not a matter of yourself but it’s a matter of who you associate yourself with. I have learned to acclimatize myself in positive surroundings rather than negative surroundings because my association determines who I become in the future. Out with the old; in with the new. Yes Failure is not my portion” - by Priscilla Birago
The above has been my personal mission statement for the past year. I am constantly referring to this statement in my note pad to empower and motivate myself to work towards my goals in life.
This past week has been my reflection and meditation week; reflecting on the amazing works of God in my life. I am honestly losing counts of the blessings God has restored in my life. Moreover, I am pleased and happy at the direction things have been moving for me. I feel some sort of victory and peace within my heart because I know that I have won the race already.
During my reflection period, I also thought about the unpleasant things I engaged in the past. The foolish things I did when I was younger(not to say I'm old now ) but the wrong people I have associated myself with and the people I permitted to influence my thoughts and lifestyle. The people I once thought were part of my survival tool kit in this complex world, has surprisingly diminished.
From my perspective, I believe God works in seasons. Every season is a harvest time, where God provides me with new plans in my life. And it’s up to me how I will execute the plans and yield tremendous results.
There are some seasons I allowed certain individuals in my life that I thought I could not survive or succeed without. Ironically, the moment the person is out of my life, I can see my self still standing firm, firmer than before. I can suddenly survive and strive for better resources. I become stronger and stronger to tackle my next challenge.
The above has been my personal mission statement for the past year. I am constantly referring to this statement in my note pad to empower and motivate myself to work towards my goals in life.
This past week has been my reflection and meditation week; reflecting on the amazing works of God in my life. I am honestly losing counts of the blessings God has restored in my life. Moreover, I am pleased and happy at the direction things have been moving for me. I feel some sort of victory and peace within my heart because I know that I have won the race already.
During my reflection period, I also thought about the unpleasant things I engaged in the past. The foolish things I did when I was younger(not to say I'm old now ) but the wrong people I have associated myself with and the people I permitted to influence my thoughts and lifestyle. The people I once thought were part of my survival tool kit in this complex world, has surprisingly diminished.
From my perspective, I believe God works in seasons. Every season is a harvest time, where God provides me with new plans in my life. And it’s up to me how I will execute the plans and yield tremendous results.
There are some seasons I allowed certain individuals in my life that I thought I could not survive or succeed without. Ironically, the moment the person is out of my life, I can see my self still standing firm, firmer than before. I can suddenly survive and strive for better resources. I become stronger and stronger to tackle my next challenge.
I have learned not to dwell on irrational things, especially things that will distract me from serving my soul purpose in life because if certain individuals were relevant in my world, God would definitely permit/plant them in my life forever. I believe their moment was just a brief session; to fulfill certain plans God had for me. Their assignment was temporarily, to lead me into the next level in life.
It's inevitable that I can not avoid thinking about certain things I've done in the past and certain people I associated myself with. But I know my God is a forgiving and loving God. He will not lead me into the wilderness without his guidance and grace. SO...I write with boldness and confidence that I have no regrets because there is a reason for every season. And I believe that everything works together in the end for the good. Failure is not my portion because God is on my side.
There is no need to regret my past life because life goes on beyond my imagination
It's inevitable that I can not avoid thinking about certain things I've done in the past and certain people I associated myself with. But I know my God is a forgiving and loving God. He will not lead me into the wilderness without his guidance and grace. SO...I write with boldness and confidence that I have no regrets because there is a reason for every season. And I believe that everything works together in the end for the good. Failure is not my portion because God is on my side.
There is no need to regret my past life because life goes on beyond my imagination
**Express and Reflect on your World**