Saturday, January 5, 2013

Happy New Year

Dear Blog,  

It has been a while since I shared my inner most thoughts with you. 2012 was a busy year for me; however, it was filled with many blessings and grace from God. I trust 2013 will be more astonishing because my life keeps getting brighter and brighter each and every year. The wind of change in 2013 will revolutionize new beginnings in my life in the name of Jesus. Amen !!!

My maturity in the spiritual realm of God has been growing, thus I am well equip to prevail over any obstacles the year may throw at me. I envision 2013 as a prosperous and victorious year in all my endeavors.
I vowed few years ago to reform myself every year without creating a new year resolution, but rather, work on things from the previous year to keep on excelling in my personal and professional life. I always try to read at least 2 inspirational books per month to increase my knowledge and to add value to my life and i promise to keep that vow in 2013.

So, in the last few days, I have been searching through my pile of books at home and I discovered a book I purchased some few years ago and never read it. Talk about waste of money ahh??   Sadly, many of us have piled away our knowledge and value for many years and forget where and how to access it. 

If you're one of those individuals and you're reading this today, I urge you to go back to your book shelves/piles and discover that one or two inspirational books you purchased with your hard working money but never read it. That book(s) may be the key you need to revolutionize your life in a positive and purposeful way in 2013.


This is the books I found; 365 Daily Inspirations for Creating a Life of Passion and purpose by Gay Hendricks. 

The Secret: one of my best investments

I have also decided to revisit The Secret again this year to recharge my spirit and mind in a positive direction. The Secret has been one of my best investment.

I must confess, 2012 was an amazing year, so much was accomplished and I am ready for whatever 2013 has installed for me. 

POW POW!!! 2013 Ready or not here I come

**Express and Reflect on your World**


Priscilla  Birago


  1. Hello,
    I was wondering if you may be able to tell me where you got the 365 inspiration book from? pls and ty.

  2. Hey Bella, Thanks for reading my blog .. I actually purchased the book at a vintage store in Mississauga few years back. But you can purchase it on amazon. Check out link below

  3. Hey there, I found and placed an order for the book this morning at Indigo! so excited and looking forward to reading it and embarking on a road to a better self discovery etc. thanks for posting this book on your blog. Keep up the great posts girl:)

