Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A Precious Gift from God

Spontaneously   Me!!! 
I walked into a Barber shop on Saturday afternoon, feeling boldly and confident about myself. I was ready for a new look.
So I decided to cut off my Mohawk I had for two and a half years with no fear or regret. I was not afraid about my new appearance or what people have to say about it.
I took the risk and I feel great. 
 I don’t need my hair to feel beautiful.
 I just need to believe in myself that I am beautiful and Prissy is a valuable gift to the world
I feel confident
 I feel liberated.
I feel awesome
I feel vibrant
I feel like a new being.
 I feel like taking more risk

This is the new me, boldly and without fear!
I am delightful to say, I’m currently fulfilling one of the things I wrote down on “MY Possession” for 2011; to read more and write more like how I use to. I’m presently reading “The Confident Woman” by Joyce Meyer and “Sisters and Lovers” by Connie Briscoe.  
And ...I LOVE IT!!!
I have decided to read at least one chapter of “The Confident Woman” every day for 17 days, to be more self-conscious about myself and to be aware of my potentials in life.  In the introduction of “The Confident Woman”, Meyer said “Women are a precious gift from God to the World. We are creative, sensitive, compassionate, intelligent, talented and according to the Bible, equal to men”.   YES WE ARE!!! Reading this statement automatically inspired me to take more risks in life and believing that anything is possible.
Therefore, I speak with the authority of God that there will be no “glass ceiling” in my world.
Women have come a long way in terms of equality and attaining a respectable place in society.  We have the chance to go places where we never had the chance to go before.

So why are we not taking the risk to achieve the opportunities that are available for us?  

Many individuals are afraid to take risk because they feel like they do not have the potential to do so.  
I have the King in me! Believe... You have the king in you too!
Let’s all take the risk to get on a higher Plainfield.
Life is all about taking risk and learning from our mistakes.
I have vowed to myself to take more risk and walk into doors I’ve never walked in before.
And if I fall, I shall get up and try again until I make it.
I will hold my head high and confidently say, I am a precious gift from God

**Express and Reflect on your World**


Prissy Carter

Saturday, January 22, 2011


I often ask myself what is the “ideal” age a woman should start having children.
 I regularly discuss this subject with different type of women in attempt to obtain a concrete response. However,   there are no consistencies in the results I generally obtained because there are many factors that influences and contributes to individuals’ perspectives on life.
 An individual’s mindset in regards to children might be manipulated by many institutes such as religion, education and family. In addition, socialization can also sway people to create their own norms in regards to children.
 For instance, I often socialize myself with individuals that tend to make education and work their number one priority and children the last thing on their agenda.  Consequently, we all have similar goals in life; to attain exceptional education and becoming financially stable before considering children.
This means, no kids until the age of 30!!!
I am laughing to myself as I am writing this blog because this type of plan seems absurd to my mother and other people I have discussed this subject with. 
My lovely mother believes that this idea is illogical.
She often tells me that 21-25 is the “ideal” age a woman should start having children. I generally express amusement when we converse on this topic. 
I think to myself ...“Is this woman crazy or what??
“Having children in my early twenties? Yea right!!”
She must think that time is moving backwards but not forward. I’m only in my early twenties, I’m done school, I want to relax, have fun, make more  money, explore the world and continue my education.  Children are definitely the last thing on my mind.”
I recently had a conversation with one of my good friends in regards to this topic.  My dear friend had a child over 5 years ago and recently turned 25. You do the math!
I tried to probe some important questions during our conversation to get a better understanding on this matter.
I asked her, “What are the disadvantages and advantages as a young mother?”
 She responded, “I know there are some disadvantages having a child at a young age, such as; negative sigma and postponement of goals. But guess what?? That did not stop me from finishing university and attaining a good career. As a matter of fact, I was more motivated to work hard towards my goals because I was not living for myself anymore. I was living for my daughter."

She continued, “I will have a daughter who will be fully mature and grown when I’m in my 40s. Can you imagine me as a 41 year old woman with an 8 years old daughter? I mean, I’m not suggesting, anyone should have a child at a young age if they are not ready. Just think about your future.”
POWWW!! Now the light bulb has been switched on in my brain.
Where do I see myself in the next 20 years??  Unquestionably, not with a 10 years old child.
They say life starts at the age of 40. This is the time to enjoy life and be care free
In fact, I never thought about the logic behind this the entire time. Confession; I always had a selfish mentality when it comes to children.
I am convinced that you are asking yourself, what is prissy going to do now?
 My answer is God’s time is the best!

P.S  Please let me know your input on this matter

**Express and Reflect on your World**


Prissy Carter

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Moving forward but not backwards

Friday, December 31 2010, I told to myself repeatedly, “things will be different, things will be different for me in 2011". I prayed to God to provide me with extraordinary knowledge enough to facilitate me to achieve my future goals and aspirations.
While I reflect back on 2010, I can say to myself that I was able to accomplish most of my goals. Things went according to plan, thanks to the Almighty God. Although, I encountered some few obstacles during my journey in 2010, God held my hands through those complex moments and directed me to the right path.
Things were great in 2010; however things will be excellent in 2011. For the past few years, I have tried to eradicate the three words people of the 21st century uses obnoxiously every single year out of my vocabulary. 
Can you guess what these three words are??
 Do you have anything in mind??  
Well, Congratulations to those who guessed accurately.
The three simple words are; “New Year resolution
I am certain that more than 80 percent of the readers had a “New Year resolution” in the past.  If you fall under this category, have you truthfully executed at least one resolution you had in the past?
If your answer is NO, Fortunately I have one advice for you.  All  I can say is try  to  have  zero  resolution  for  the new year  and see what you can achieve in the year.
 To be frank, those three words, or should I say “phrase”, scares the living hell out of me. I have made some new year’s resolution in the past where there was no solution to my resolution. I have the tendency to break my resolutions in the first month of the year.
Hence, I have made a promise to never attempt to have a “new year resolution” but, rather write things i would like to “accomplish” or “try” to perform in order to have a successful year.  I call it “MY POSSESSIONS”. The aim of this scheme is to enhance my innermost self to a higher altitude, and acknowledge myself for achieving or tried to complete some of my objectives. I believe that this approach will permit me to improve myself to strive for better things in life and enhance my “I can do it attitude”.
Below are MY POSSESSIONS for 2011
1.       Having more faith
2.       Giving to God
3.       Giving   more  to the poor
4.       Praying and reading  my bible
5.       Random act of kindness
6.       Eliminate procrastination
7.       Staying positive at all times
8.       Associating  with  positive  individual
9.       Exercise more
10.   Writing  and reading more often like I use to
11.   Start a business proposal
12.   Managing my time and money properly
13.   Less partying
14.   Networking
15.   Being more goal oriented
16.   Asking more questions
17.   Not  being afraid to speak my mind
18.   Laugh more often
19.   Travel more
20.   Spend more time with loved once

**Express and Reflect on your world**


Prissy Carter