Saturday, April 18, 2015
Say NO to Xenophobia
30days Gratitude Challenge : Day 5-9
My day 5 -9 of my gratitude challenge has been very personal. And I wish I can share my gratitudes with my readers but I can only share it during my personal time with God. But in all I am grateful for my life and grateful to live through out these days without any tragedy. I am grateful. On the bright side, I have 21 more days to go. Stay with me :) God bless.
Thursday, April 16, 2015
30days Gratitude Challenge : Day 4
Sundays are my official lazy day but today was far from that because I received a call from a family friend who really needed a favor from me. At that moment, I knew my sunday nap time will not be taking place because I couldn't decline her request. I had the beautiful opportunity to baby sit four boys between the ages of 7 years to 11 months including my boys (everyone that knows me know that babysitting is my cup of tea). But, thank God for my husband because he was the defination of devin helper on this blessed day. I always knew he was a helper but this situation really reinforced the reasons why I married him. Although my lazy Sunday was disrupted, I am glad the evening went smoothly because of him. I am grateful for my helpful husband. I am grateful :)
Sunday, April 12, 2015
30days Gratitude Challenge : Day 3
Many times, we as human beings don't appreciate and give credit to our past friends that we believe were toxic at some point in our lives. But it is important for us to recognize and give credit to our past friends for dropping in our lives and teaching us lessons in certain seasons of our lives. Because without them, we will not learn to appreciate and acknowledge our present family and friends who are depositing good into our lives. So today I'm grateful for my past teachers, who have taught me life lessons in my previous semesters and have enabled me to overcome obstacles in my current semester as I transition into the future. To my past teachers, thank you for giving me the tools and abilities to choose my present friends wisely. Now I'm am surrounded with people that speaks good and thruth into my life, people that pushes me to do better and people that encourages and uplift me in this confusing world. I am grateful for my past teachers because I've learned to appreciation and show gratiude for my present teachers. I am grateful.
Thursday, April 9, 2015
30days Gratitude Challenge : Day 1
At 2:33am today, I heard my son Ezra crying out loud but I refused to get up because I was too tired. I laid in my bed awake with my eyes closed for few minutes; thinking to myself , why oh why? After a hard struggle to open my eyes, I saw my son standing in his crib facing the wall, which was unusual. At that moment, I knew he was crying in his sleep; maybe due to a bad dream. So I placed my hand on him and said a little prayer and put him back to bed. Few minutes after going back to bed, Ezra started crying again.
When I got up to carry him, it dawned on me that my five weeks vacation in Ghana without my kids was really over. My long relaxing and sleeping nights has ceased; now I am back to mommy duties again. With a frown face, I placed him on my left shoulder and took him down stairs to feed him. I started reminiscing again about my vacation and now I'm back to sleepless nights and yelling in my house. This was definitely a change I was not looking foward to, however I smelt the cheese thousands of miles away.
But in all, I am embracing this change because I'm grateful to see my family again. I am grateful to hear the cries of my babies because not every mother lives to see their children.I am grateful to hear the cries of my babies because they are blessings.
During my trip to Ghana, I had the opportunity to visit Mampong Babies Home and held babies as young as Ezra in my arms with no parents or family to care for them. I am thankful and grateful to see and hold my children in my arms. I thankful to be able to wake up in the middle of the night and feed my babies. I'm grateful for the strength I have to conduct my mommy duties even when i'm extreamly tired. I am grateful for healthy and normal children. I am grateful!
Monday, February 2, 2015
Make Your Time Count

Express and reflect on your world**
Priscilla Birago