Thursday, September 15, 2011


Dear Blog,
I took a very big risk this week.  I called my work and advised them that I will no longer be working with them. Guess what?? I did not attempt to give them advance notice. Don't  get me wrong, it was a good job with good pay but I felt like l didn’t belong there and that I could do better.  It was a spontaneous move; A big move that would define and change my future.

I woke up early this morning in a different world, looking outside my window and thinking to myself if this so called “big move” was the right move.  I felt like going back to bed and waking up with all my anxiety and worries disappearing.  I knew it was impossible because that is not how life works.  I immediately called my friend and could not stop crying on the phone. She said to me, “This is not you Priscilla, This is not the Priscilla that I know. I feel like am talking to a totally different person.” I couldn’t stop crying because I knew this was not me.  I said, “Priscilla better days are coming, pull yourself up because you have tough skin".

In life, you must  take risk to know where you belong in this world

I know a new era has begun and the old era has been diminished. This year has been going as planned and most of my goals has been accomplished. I will not allow the devil to twist my mind, and have me think that I made the wrong choice. I now know I made the right decision because I am about to achieve my biggest goal by far this year. God will continue to guild me and lead me to the right path. 

Prissy is all about taking big risks.. Lets goooooooooo baby!!!!

**Express and Reflect on your World**


Prissy Birago

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